The day has finally come. I've decided that I'm going to start reading. I've been putting it off for so long because I know deep down that it's more than starting one book. In beginning the list, I'm also beginning a new way of thinking about and looking at what occurs in them all. I feel like I'm committing to a marriage that can never be annulled with a partner whom I barely know. From what I've heard, things change on the other side. Once passionate love affairs turn into embittered resentment... quaint familiarity becomes sardonic intimacy... basic exoteric gratification becomes acidic esoteric frustration.... Ah well...
To mark the occasion I bought three books to add to the already staggering list of ones I've yet to read. I should probably seek counseling, because it seems to be becoming an addiction. At any rate, I'm thinking I'm going to heed the advice of those who have come before me and start with the books that I'd normally use as paperweights.
I want to be ambitious, but the small amount of good sense that I do possess is telling me that starting too hot will burn me out before I get a good pace set. So, I'm thinking Middlemarch, Pride and Prejudice, Moby Dick (ugh) and Tristram Shandy are ones I'm going to have to build up to... sue me.
Woe Clayton
You are about to conquer mount Everest huh? I am whining because i am TRYING to wade through Atlas Shrugged. You go dude!
sigh. pride and prejudice. mansfield park. northanger abbey. anything dickens. jane eyre. nineteenth century is my FAVORITE.
so, i have a picture of myself standing in a used bookstore in monterey, california, that my hub took, and i swear this picture you posted at the top of this post looks EXACTLY LIKE the picture of that bookstore. crazy. i was like, 'huh? you were there, too?' and then, on second thought, i was like, 'um, how'd you steal my photo, dude?' just kidding. :)
looks like you've got quite a road ahead of you. wow. best to you, clay, in this new season of learning and living and loving.
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